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Bílý švýcarský ovčák

Freyja od Kunovského lesa

Počet návštěv:

Počasí Hradec Králové - Sluneč
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September 2013 - Club weekend Česká skalice

15.9. the Lead young  -met

14.9. Club show Česká Skalice, puppy class.

Welcome to the website of our females Freyja od Kunovského lesa!


 "The dog and the man can create such a strong relationship because they can mutually understand their emotional responses. The dog has perhaps greater joy of life than we do, and this feeling emanates from him so strongly that it's looking forward and we the people. "


(Jeffrey Masson - an American academician, psychoanalyst and writer)



White Swiss Shepherd Dog

The nature of the breed is lively, without nervousness, attentive and alert to strangers sometimes somewhat restrained, never timid or aggressive. Well with other dogs.

It is the ideal family dog, companion, friendly to children. It is suitable for sports and business training. We meet him in canistherapy. It is used as a guide dog for the blind, assistance. Holds the function reliably guard. Its application is also found in rescue teams. Suitable for sports-minded owners.


 Freyja portrét 9 měsiců

© 2015 Bílý švýcarský ovčák Freya