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Bílý švýcarský ovčák

Freyja od Kunovského lesa

Počet návštěv:

Počasí Hradec Králové - Sluneč
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September 2013 - Club weekend Česká skalice

15.9. the Lead young  -met

14.9. Club show Česká Skalice, puppy class.

Education and Training


Freyja od Kunovského lesa, Carlos Tiris Bohemia, Nathan La Blankpapilio 

From the two months we have devoted themselves to educating and socializing at home, in the city, as well as on training Kennel Club Hradec Králové.




Over time, we are slowly added even easier training elements. This and other videos from the training, in our video section.


In seven months, in collaboration with ZKO NHK ends in a basic obedience course for puppies and are now on the same parade ground moving in the way sports cynology.


How well it will go remains to be seen:-)


© 2015 Bílý švýcarský ovčák Freya