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Bílý švýcarský ovčák

Freyja od Kunovského lesa

Počet návštěv:

Počasí Hradec Králové - Sluneč
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September 2013 - Club weekend Česká skalice

15.9. the Lead young  -met

14.9. Club show Česká Skalice, puppy class.

For a start, a little something about us.


We called the Lada and Zdenek Jiráskovi and our first female white Swiss Shepherd Dog we bought in the spring of 2013. Intentionally I present the "first", because I believe that there is only one for a long time. We both grew up in the company of dogs, but always with a small or medium-sized breeds. Two years ago, we moved into the family house with a large garden in a village and started thinking that we have to our two Bologna wanted Charlie from the bottom Dobrouče and Daphne Dapeny Bohemia took the next member of the family.


There was a big dilemma, what breed you choose. We wanted to nekonfliktního the family dog and companion, suitable for children, but can be alert, it is able to fulfill the function of a guard, easy to learn and suitable for sports training. The husband began to German German Shepherd Dog, I wondered about the breed Hovawart or Border Collie. But all this just to the point where we are on the Internet came across a photo of a beautiful white elegant herding dog type. Amazing appearance enhanced by excellent povahovými properties ... ... it was decided.

In April 2013, we went for our female Freyju that we had in the Kennel Od Kunovského lesa has long been reserved for forest before birth.

We brought home a small white ball, which immediately gained the whole family.


 For us, our dogs are current members of the family, grow up and live with us as part of the household, participating in all the events, his presence fills our leisure time. Although our female has its Hutch and beautiful Milly that her husband made staying comfortably, and has the necessary contact with us, so also with strangers as well as dogs or other animals. We are training regularly, go for walks or just play.


© 2015 Bílý švýcarský ovčák Freya